Load-bearing: VST Heavy-Duty Shoring Towers on the basis of the VARIOKIT Engineering Construction Kit safely carry up to 700 kN per leg.

Cimbras para cargas pesadas

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VARIOKIT Heavy-duty shoring: Either the Heavy-Duty Tower as the Truss Girder are adjustable to the correct height and length.

Cimbra de alta resistencia VARIOKIT

El sistema de cimbra para cargas pesadas en la construcción de puentes y aplicaciones especiales en la construcción industrial.


Cimbras para cargas pesadas

Shoring system for very large loads in bridge constructions as well as for special applications in industrial construction
The heavy-duty prop with integrated load control
The system consists of different types of load and length optimized frames, which enable to continuously create every span with the corresponding combination.

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