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Edificios culturales

Imágenes Mapa
Casa da Música, Porto, Portugal - Built to coincide with “Porto 2001 – European Culture Capital”, the concert hall is pictured here after structural work had been completed.

Casa da Música

High, diversely angled wall areas with architectural concrete surfaces

Porto, Portugal

Heavy athletics stadium, Athens, Greece - HD 200 heavy-duty props combined with the MULTIPROP system formed a 21.00 m high shoring tower for load transfers of 500 kN.

Heavy athlethics stadium

Construction for the Olympic Games

Athens, Grecia

Mausoleum Michniów - The museum shape symbolizes a traditional village hut, which gradually crumbles into dust. Numerous offsets and inclined surfaces characterize the complex structure. PERI engineers developed a customized formwork concept in order to carry out the project with a minimum quantity of special formwork.

Mausoleum Michniów

Complex architecture primarily achieved with system formwork

Michniów, Polonia

MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy - This extraordinary structure is characterized by twisting reinforced concrete walls which reach heights of up to 14 m.

MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo

14 m high twisted walls in architectural concrete

Rome, Italia

Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart, Germany - The execution of this very impressive project required unique engineering and assembly implementation on the construction site.

Mercedes-Benz Museum

Unrivalled formwork technology

Stuttgart, Alemania

National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Warsaw, Poland - The complex construction project with highest quality requirements demanded an experienced construction site team as well as on-site support through PERI engineers.

National stadium Kazimierz Górski

Successful at the Euro 2012 with formwork and scaffolding

Warsaw, Polonia

Parco della Musica e della Cultura, Florence, Italy - The complex includes a 1,800-seat opera house, a concert hall for 1,100 music lovers as well as a theatre for audiences up to 2,000.

Parco della Musica e della Cultura

Formwork and scaffolding from one source for a smooth construction progress

Florence, Italia

St. Martins Therme & Lodge, Frauenkirchen, Austria - With formwork and scaffolding systems perfectly matched each structural component, the concrete frame could be completely finished in only 9 months.

St. Martins Therme & Lodge

Structural work in record time

Frauenkirchen, Austria

UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - With the help of the customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution, a new campus complex is being realized in Lima – with high architectural requirements and a tight construction schedule.

UTEC University Campus

Grandstand-style campus realized in a short construction period

Lima, Perú

VitraHaus, Weil am Rhein, Germany - For the VitraHaus, twelve reinforced concrete bodies with massive gable roofs were stacked up to form a 20 m high building complex.


High requirements and short construction time

Weil am Rhein, Alemania

For the fabrication of the massive reinforced concrete slab below the pitch, the PERI engineers support the MULTIFLEX girder slab formwork solution with almost 8-meter high PERI UP shoring towers.

VTB Arena, Russian Federation

Flexible system solutions for a range of different tasks