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Proyectos internacionales (inglés)

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Absolute World, Missisauga, Canada - One climbing system – two climbing methods: with protection provided by the RCS climbing protection panel, the two twisting Absolute World towers rose steadily upwards in regular weekly cycles.

Absolute World

A twisting world in North America: One climbing system – two climbing methods

Missisauga, Canadá

ADAC Headquarters, Munich, Germany - For the construction of the new ADAC headquarters, PERI supported the Züblin construction team with efficient formwork and scaffolding solutions as well as competent service.

ADAC Headquarters

Efficient complete solution with competent service

Munich, Alemania

Avala TV Tower, Belgrade, Serbia - The perfectly adapted shoring and working scaffold optimally supplemented the cost-effective formwork solution.

Avala TV Tower

New landmark with panoramic view

Belrgrade, Serbia

Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires - A standardized construction kit system as well as the planning and delivery of formwork and scaffolding from a single source makes the PERI project solution very cost-effective.

Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Undulating roof construction efficiently formed

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Construction of the Barwa Commercial Avenue, Doha, Qatar

Barwa Commercial Avenue

Comprehensive formwork solutions for 8-kilometer long business center

Doha, Qatar

BBI Airport, Berlin Brandenburg, Germany - Only when seen from an aerial perspective is the scale of the construction site really apparent: the area is the size of around 2,000 football pitches.

BBI Airport, Berlin Brandenburg

Structural work for passenger terminal completed in only one year

Berlin, Alemania

Bridge over the Dunajec, Tarnow, Poland - With some supplementary system components, the VARIOKIT engineering construction kit can also be used for the balanced cantilever construction method.

Bridge over the Dunajec

Cantilevered construction solution on the basis of the VARIOKIT engineering construction kit

Tarnow, Polonia

Capitol Hill Station, Seattle, USA - The VARIOKIT formwork carriage and HD 200 heavy-duty props were used for the construction of the new subway station in Seattle.

Capitol Hill Station

System-based project solution saves time and money

Seattle, Estados Unidos

Casa da Música, Porto, Portugal - Built to coincide with “Porto 2001 – European Culture Capital”, the concert hall is pictured here after structural work had been completed.

Casa da Música

High, diversely angled wall areas with architectural concrete surfaces

Porto, Portugal

Citytunnel Malmö, Sweden - The southern entrance area was constructed using the cut-and-cover method for a length of around 1.5 km.

Citytunnel Malmö

Cost-effective combination of formwork carriage construction and rentable system parts

Malmö, Suecia

DaimlerChrysler Subsidiary Warsaw, Poland - Not far from Warsaw‘s city centre, the new headquarters building of the automotive group together with a Mercedes-Benz dealership containing showrooms and a service centre has been realized.

DaimlerChrysler Subsidiary Warsaw

Efficient shoring system solution adapted to site requirements

Warsaw, Polonia

Deer crossing bridge Zehun, Czech Republic - PERI UP Rosett formed the falsework construction and was erected according to the type test. The tight construction schedule required support along the entire length of 75 m.

Deer crossing bridge Zehun

Perfect match of formwork and shoring fast delivered

Zehun, República Checa

Der neue Zollhof, Düsseldorf, Germany - The three spectacular buildings of the new Zollhof complex in Dusseldorf during different stages of construction.

Der Neue Zollhof (The New Zollhof)

Blocks of warped reinforced concrete bodies

Düsseldorf, Alemania

Federal Chancellery Berlin - The challenging building form called for flexibly adaptable formwork and scaffolding systems.

Federal Chancellery Berlin

Massive falsework and gigantic floor table constructions

Berlin, Alemania

Heavy athletics stadium, Athens, Greece - HD 200 heavy-duty props combined with the MULTIPROP system formed a 21.00 m high shoring tower for load transfers of 500 kN.

Heavy athlethics stadium

Construction for the Olympic Games

Athens, Grecia

Hotel Capella, Sentosa Island, Singapore - The new 6-star hotel complex was constructed around two buildings dating from the colonial times. With SKYDECK, the construction of the reinforced concrete slabs could be carried out efficiently and safely.

Hotel Capella

Clear increase in productivity with SKYDECK slab formwork

Sentosa Island, Singapur

Unusual Scaffolding solution: Cantilevered instead of positioning. New engineered working scaffold solution.

Hotel Le Royal

Cantilevered system combination for refurbishment measures

Luxembourg, Luxemburgo

Hotel Mélia, La Défense, Paris, France - For the construction of the Hotel Meliá in the "La Défense" office district, PERI developed a comprehensive climbing formwork solution. This serves not only as an enclosure, which ensures the safety of the construction teams at all times, but also it supports the precast parapets during erection.

Hotel Mélia, La Défense

Climbing system with enclosure and formwork scaffold

Paris, Francia

Lanaye Lock Bridge, Belgium - In the complex area with an extremely tight outer radius, the concentrated loads of the radially-arranged cantilever brackets are transferred into the available bridge piers by means of pressure supports.

Lanaye Lock Bridge

Realization of lock bridge with VARIOKIT construction kit

Lanaye, Bélgica

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore - The American Las Vegas Sands Corporation is the owner of the complex the highly visible hotel towers.

Marina Bay Sands

ACS and SKYTABLE minimise crane times

Singapore, Singapur

Mausoleum Michniów - The museum shape symbolizes a traditional village hut, which gradually crumbles into dust. Numerous offsets and inclined surfaces characterize the complex structure. PERI engineers developed a customized formwork concept in order to carry out the project with a minimum quantity of special formwork.

Mausoleum Michniów

Complex architecture primarily achieved with system formwork

Michniów, Polonia

MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy - This extraordinary structure is characterized by twisting reinforced concrete walls which reach heights of up to 14 m.

MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo

14 m high twisted walls in architectural concrete

Rome, Italia

Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart, Germany - The execution of this very impressive project required unique engineering and assembly implementation on the construction site.

Mercedes-Benz Museum

Unrivalled formwork technology

Stuttgart, Alemania

Msheireb Metro Station, Doha

Msheireb Metro Station

Inner-city major construction site at a depth of 40 m

Qatar, Qatar

Museum of military history, Dresden, Germany - The almost 100 m long Libeskind-designed structure features a 30-metre high wedge tip made of glass and steel.

Museum of military history, Dresden

Complex construction in historical surroundings

Dresden, Alemania

National stadium Kazimierz Górski, Warsaw, Poland - The complex construction project with highest quality requirements demanded an experienced construction site team as well as on-site support through PERI engineers.

National stadium Kazimierz Górski

Successful at the Euro 2012 with formwork and scaffolding

Warsaw, Polonia

Parco della Musica e della Cultura, Florence, Italy - The complex includes a 1,800-seat opera house, a concert hall for 1,100 music lovers as well as a theatre for audiences up to 2,000.

Parco della Musica e della Cultura

Formwork and scaffolding from one source for a smooth construction progress

Florence, Italia

Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany - The Potsdamer Platz is a city of the future with office and residential buildings, schools, theatres, hotels and shopping centres in the heart of Berlin.

Potsdamer Platz

Applications for a huge variety of PERI formwork

Berlin, Alemania

Power plant Belchatow, Poland - The two-storey supporting structure, with a height of 25 metres, accommodates the sorption installation for the flue gas desulphurisation.

Power plant Belchatow

Cost-effective shoring for high loads

Belchatow, Polonia

North Station Vienna - The use of efficient formwork systems for the walls and slabs ensured that the very tight completion deadline for the building shell could be met.

Residential Complex at North Station Vienna

North Station Vienna

Vienna, Austria

RONDO 1, Warsaw, Poland - The PERI CPP climbing protection panel reliably encloses the upper floors under construction.


Optimal PERI formwork solution providing complete safety and fast construction progress

Warsaw, Polonia

The new corporate headquarters of Sasol have 10 upper floors and 7 basement floors.

Sasol Administration Building

Over 200.000 m² floor slabs brought into shape

Johannesburg, Sudáfrica

Munich Airport Satellite Terminal, Germany - The 600 m long, new satellite terminal at Munich airport is located in the centre of the airfield and encloses the apron tower and incorporates the existing baggage sorting centre. Construction is taking place during normal airport operations and presents an enormous challenge to all those involved in the project.

Satellite (Terminal Expansion) Munich Airport

Comprehensive range of services for construction and scaffolding companies

Munich, Alemania

Smithland Hydroelectric Power Plant - The Smithland hydroelectric power plant is equipped with 3 turbines; due to the extremely tight construction schedule, all three tubes with their constantly changing cross-sections are being realized at the same time.

Smithland Hydroelectric Power Plant

Comprehensive engineering services for construction of the power plant shell

Smithland, Estados Unidos

St. Martins Therme & Lodge, Frauenkirchen, Austria - With formwork and scaffolding systems perfectly matched each structural component, the concrete frame could be completely finished in only 9 months.

St. Martins Therme & Lodge

Structural work in record time

Frauenkirchen, Austria

The Squaire, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - PERI UP scaffolding on the longitudinal sides of the building was designed according to the expected loads and carried the construction loads.

The Squaire

Competent engineering and logistical services

Frankfurt am Main, Alemania

The design of modern architecture confronts construction with very sophisticated demands.

Torre Banco Macro, Argentina

Bank high-rise building with elegant tower finish

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Traffic junction Siekierkowska roadway, Warsaw, Poland - For the superstructure formwork as well as the shoring construction consisting of the MULTIPROP system and ST 100 stacking towers, only system components were used.

Traffic junction Siekierkowska roadway

PERI superstructure formwork for reinforced concrete bridge

Warsaw, Polonia

UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - With the help of the customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution, a new campus complex is being realized in Lima – with high architectural requirements and a tight construction schedule.

UTEC University Campus

Grandstand-style campus realized in a short construction period

Lima, Perú

VitraHaus, Weil am Rhein, Germany - For the VitraHaus, twelve reinforced concrete bodies with massive gable roofs were stacked up to form a 20 m high building complex.


High requirements and short construction time

Weil am Rhein, Alemania

For the fabrication of the massive reinforced concrete slab below the pitch, the PERI engineers support the MULTIFLEX girder slab formwork solution with almost 8-meter high PERI UP shoring towers.

VTB Arena, Russian Federation

Flexible system solutions for a range of different tasks